Welcome to the official Next Dose website!

Clip “Next Dose Agenda 2030”

While the video had just been added in restricted mode in preparation for broadcasting the clip to the public, the YouTube platform deleted the video with a warning. Result: 4 views in 24 hours. It’s the total censorship of an artist even before his work is released to the public…
Works of art have now become censorable. They would convey ideas that are not consistent… To see or not to see? That is the question.
Here you have the choice to watch the video clip entitled “Next Dose Agenda 2030”, whose music and lyrics are by Luc Finella (Résistance Studio). We thank him warmly.

> Watch the censored clip Next Dose Agenda 2030 (Resistance Studio)

New: the book “Covid-19: The narrative to the test of microscope”

The 1st edition of our book Covid-19: The opinion of two very “annoying” caregivers is replaced by a new work, still self-published, enriched with texts and images.

The new title Covid-19: The narrative to the test of microscope (see opposite), more readable for the reader, plunges us directly into the world of our observations under the microscope. With this new work, it is no longer possible to hide reality…

You can order it today in the online Store (French version only, currently being translated).

Covid-19 : le narratif à l'épreuve du microscope

Next Dose 3: Do we still need proof?

One year after Next Dose 2: But what do these injections contain?, we are proud to announce the official release of our 3rd documentary film entitled Next Dose 3: Do we still need proof?

This film has been available in preview since November 11, 2023 for Premium Members who support us. We warmly thank them here.

Since December 21, 2023, find the full version of Next Dose 3 for free in French, English and Spanish.

Do not hesitate to share, download and rebroadcast all or part of our work.

Together, we are stronger!

If you would like to continue to support us and have access to preview content or promotional offers, you can create a Member account.

Where can I find the Next Dose movie and the Covid-19 book?

After directing two documentary films in 2022, Next Dose 1 and Next Dose 2 (see below or in the Video space), we are publishing a book in June 2023 called “Covid-19 : L’avis de deux soignants bien emmerdants” (“Covid-19: the opinion of two annoying caregivers”, see opposite).
Through a chronological account of the last three years and with the help of our microscopic observations, this work attempts to tear away the veil of obscurantism which seems to have fallen on the world.
You can order it today in the online Store.
If you would like to help us, you can make a Donation. Thank you all for your support!
Sébastien (nurse and laboratory technician) & Guillaume (naturopath and graphic designer)



Livre Covid-19 : l'avis de deux soignants bien emmerdants (out of stock)
Next Dose 1 : Where have our scientists gone? (english)

September 11, 2022
30 min. 31 s.

Next Dose2 : But what do these injections contain? (english)

December 18, 2022
33 min. 22 s.

Our history

We are all in search of truth.

The logo of our OHM collective represents resistance. The symbol Ω or Ohm is well known to physicists who use it to measure electrical resistance. Above the Ohm symbol, our logo features 3 rays of light, intended to unite us with each other and awaken us. Because it’s in union that we will win.

The Covid-19 pandemic as it has been told to us by the political and media world is facing multiple aberrations. All those who dared to question the official narrative were denigrated, called conspiracy theorists, censored, threatened, or worse!
To those who wanted to ensure that science had only one path, we provide some convincing elements in order to finally open the debate.

Our world is currently going through a wave of value inversion. The language elements of official communication are also often reversed.
So when we hear “Don’t Look Up” (title of a movie about cosmic denial), we quickly translate it to “Look Down”. Some scientists observe comets with their telescope to spot a possible threat. To look into the infinitely small, we will use an optical microscope. It will allow us to make various observations on the gene injections that many citizens have accepted.
Used since the 17th century, the microscope is a fabulous scientific tool that doesn’t lie!

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